Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio during Eagles Parade, Aug 8, 1912

The Cuyahoga County Public Library Collection

In 1921, the State Legislature of Ohio passed a law which enabled the establishment of a county district library for any area not served by a free public library, subject to a vote of the people. A referendum was placed on the November 7, 1922, general election ballot authorizing a county library district. The issue passed by more than two to one, making Cuyahoga County Public Library the first county library in Ohio to be organized under the new law.

The original petition called for the inclusion of all of Cuyahoga County not then served by an existing public library. In 1922, only eight communities had tax-supported library service and only a few other communities had libraries supported by private funds. Read more about CCPL's history.

About the Collection

The images reproduced here are courtesy of the following: the Gates Mills Historical Society, the Chagrin Falls Historical Society and the South Euclid - Lyndhurst Historical Society and represent Cuyahoga County Public Library's ongoing effort to digitally preserve and present images that are of historical significance to the 47 communities served by our 28 branches county-wide.

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