The Square, Cleveland, Fifth City

Hungarian Americans of Cleveland

Cleveland Press Articles

Aid Society Marks 30th Anniversary Dinner and Dance is held in St. Emerich Hall

Cleveland Press, APR 29 1935

Thirty years of activity was celebrated by the St. Emerich Men's and Women's Aid Society of the St. Emerich Hungarian Catholic Church with a dinner and dance yesterday afternoon and evening.

The affair was held in the parish Hall, 1904 W. 22d street. Three hundred attended. John Toth was toastmaster. Four of the five living charter members, Joseph Gulyas, Imre Kardos, Joseph Mathe and Stephen Somogyi were special guests.

John Farkas, president of the society for the last 10 years, was presented with a gold watch by Joseph Kiss, vice president, in behalf of the society. Thirty-nine Hungarian societies were represented at the banquet. Speakers were:

Municipal Judge Louis Petrash; Zoltan Sztankay, Hungarian vice consul; Stephen Gobozy, president of the United Hungarian Societies; the Rev. Fr. Joseph Hartel, pastor of St. Emerich Catholic Church; John Csizmadia, president of the Hungarian Catholic Federation; Joseph Muzslay, editor of the Szabadsag Hungarian daily; Leo Kolos, editor of the American Hungarian Sunday, Catholic weekly; Dr. Laszla Endrey and Attorneys Stephen Kormendy and John Lasko